Smart Thinking At NACS

I loved walking the floor and seeing all of the creative designs come to life at NACS. You—and your install teams—impressed me with your smart thinking. Here are my top three:

1. Free up a set of hands. Use this genius move when unpacking vinyl flooring to free up a set of hands. Leave the vinyl tubes strapped to the skids. Drill a 2″ hole through the end of the tube (tube only, please, don’t drill through that beautiful vinyl), thread a strap through the hole, and pull out the vinyl. Normally, you’d need another person to hold the tube. Not anymore! If the tubes and padding are on one skid, cut the metal banding to release the padding, tape and visqueen after you pull out the vinyl.

Use this genius move when unpacking vinyl flooring to free up a set of hands.

2. Rock steady. Heavy equipment? No problem. One of our smart clients (you know who you are!) cut an inexpensive wooden subfloor in their shop for our custom-printed flooring. This created a perfect base for the flooring and the heavy piece of equipment that was placed on top. It matched up perfectly with the carpet inlay and helped the presentation area stand out.

3. Protect those floors. I love how another forward-thinking team temporarily placed plywood over their vinyl flooring to protect it from wheeled AV cases and pallets of sample products during install. At $30 a sheet, it was money well spent to keep the flooring looking great for show opening.

Protect your vinyl flooring during install.

We’re here to make trade show flooring as easy as it can be, from sharing insights from the show floor to more tools and resources:

Or, ask us for samples or for our partners who help with recycling

We’re ready to help with your upcoming shows. Contact us or call our awesome account managers at 404-876-5900 to talk through questions or to request a fast, accurate estimate, today. 

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