When you talk, we listen.
We’re always asking exhibit designers what they’d like to see in flooring. The answer we heard, over and over: upscale, on-trend vinyl flooring. Specifically, rollable vinyl in light and dark gray, and herringbone patterns.
We made it a reality. We just launched our Elegant series: seven brand-new vinyl flooring choices with a lot of style. Whether you’re showcasing appliances, outdoor products, a natural environment—or something new and edgy—these styles will stand out on the show floor.
Designers, it’s a breeze to place these new patterns in your renderings. Click here for our seamless texture maps.
As always, your flooring will arrive in cardboard tubes, carefully side-matched and perfectly skidded.
Have a question or a request? Want to place an order, or talk through ideas or recommendations about flooring for a booth you’re designing? Call 404-876-5900 or contact us. We’re always happy to help.
Contact Us
Ready to get started? Our experienced team can answer your questions, start your order, or ship samples right to your door.