You Want It Cut How?

We’ll cut your flooring any way you need.

One of our clients recently told me that one of the many reasons they always choose The Inside Track is that we cut your carpet or vinyl precisely to fit your beautiful designs. Not everyone does. We also send the remnants, just in case you want or need to change anything at the last minute on show site (we know that NEVER happens 😊).

And, we send a little extra carpet or vinyl with every order. You never know if you’ll have to work around base plates, if the booth isn’t perfectly square, or if the aisle carpet doesn’t quite come to the edge of the booth. We don’t want any exposed concrete to detract from your gorgeous designs.

Yes, it’s already fall (where did summer go?!) Time to get your flooring orders in! A few tips to get the best results:

  • Send us the booth rendering so we can help spot any potential issues
  • Send us the show quick facts so we can help keep an eye on your deadlines
  • Remember that carpet and vinyl rolls can be up to 80’ long. This means fewer seams and a speedier install
  • Tell us if part of your booth is a “sleeper” due to pre-placed rigging or equipment. We’ll set up your flooring so that it unrolls from the other side of the booth for an easier install
  • If your floor plan changes, tell us ASAP so we can try to get you the same dye lot for your carpet

Did you know that you can reserve your flooring for up to two weeks? So, go right ahead and request that estimate today! Call our awesome account managers at 404-876-5900 or contact us to get started. We’ll follow up fast.

Contact Us

Ready to get started? Our experienced team can answer your questions, start your order, or ship samples right to your door.